We are proud to announce the official launcher for StargateMC is now available!
It has significant advantages over Technic, namely:
- Performs faster
- Allows us to put our own news/latest changes dashboard into it
- The ability to hit ‘upload logs’ from within the launcher to automatically upload your logs to pastebin.com, so you can provide staff with a link to help with troubleshooting.
- More secure
- Not dependant on a 3rd party service (such as the Solder API)
- Deduplication for all downloaded files, which is especially beneficial for those who swap between the live and test clients.
- The ability to have certain parts of the client flagged ‘optional’, so players can elect to not install a minimap, optifine or other client side mod if they choose not to simply by ticking a box!
- The ability to not wipe key binds and graphics setting with each update, whilst ensuring that players get the correct defaults when they first download the client.
You may download the launcher in Linux/OSX format here, or for Windows as an executable here.
Please report any issues or suggestions for ‘optional’ client mods / configurations with the new launcher on the forums.
Please be advised that whilst we currently support Technic Launcher, there are plans in the future to decommission this.